Thank You!

Thank you for submitting a benefit check to confirm insurance eligibility for a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device. We will let you know in 1-2 business days the outcome of our benefit check.

If you would like to submit another Next Step Benefit check, please click the button below.


AbleNet Next Step Team

Why QuickTalker Freestyle?

Stress-Free Process

Our team does everything except write the speech eval, which allows us to get someone their voice faster than anyone else.

Total Flexibility

Change the speech app or device size at any time.

5-year Warranty

Our warranty is simple. If a QuickTalker Freestyle needs a repair during the 5-year warranty period, we fix it. No additional fees. No waiting weeks or months for someone to resolve your issue. No limits on the number of warranty claims.

ableCARE Support

ableCARE supports the device user, their family, and the SLP for 5-years to ensure everyone achieves best outcomes.

Price Value

QuickTalker Freestyle meets the medical necessity requirements for most users’ communication needs while being the most cost-effective device compared to all other alternatives.